Our Organizational Structure
The West Toledo Parish has two Pastors. Steve Smithberger is the Senior Pastor and David Frye is the Associate Pastor. Both Pastors preach every Sunday, lead Bible studies and are actively involved in both churches.
Church Council
Members of Church Council serve 3 year terms and may serve up to two consecutive terms. The number of people on Church Council can vary per our Church constitution. Officers are elected annually. The current make-up of the Council is:
President: Arlene Gerig
Vice President: Sue Merkel
Secretary: Beth Boehm
Members at Large: Craig Hancock, Bonnie Bell & Linda Everhardt-Kardux.
Pastor: Steve Smithberger
Pam Hershberger
Finance committee
Property committee
We have two official committees per our official by-laws:
Finance committee
This committee meets quarterly and is chaired by Norm Merkel. Bob Krueger is the Financial Secretary. Other members are Norm Merkel, Pam Hershberger, Kevin Roessler, Donnajean Stockmaster, Bill Reber and Pastor Steve. The Finance committee proposes the budget and keeps track of the spending.
Property committee
The Property committee meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm. It is chaired by Bob Krueger and Chris Stockmaster. All members are welcome to join this committee. Members are encouraged to participate in the upkeep of the church and grounds whether or not they are members of the committee.
Additionally, we have some ad hoc committees:
Event committee
The Events committee is led by Sue Merkel and Beth Boehm. They are responsible for creating opportunities for fellowship. All are welcome to join.
Nurture committee
The Nurture committee is led by Judy Reber and Carole Hancock. This committee provides a monthly Coffee Hour after the service as well as coordinating special celebrations that may occur throughout the year. All are welcome to join.