Next Steps in Faith
Through our relationship with our Synod (our regional church affiliation comparable to a diocese) and the West Toledo Parish, we have some great programs for people looking to take their next steps in faith.
Via de Cristo
Via de Cristo is a three-day weekend retreat, a course, to review Christian fundamentals, discuss ways to live them actively and learn some practical tools to keep them vital. Men and women are gathered on separate weekends offered once in the spring of each year. The weekend is held at our Epiphany campus.
The Via de Cristo weekend begins on a Thursday night and ends the following Sunday night. During the three days, those attending live and study together. Each day, there is prayer, worship, communion, and much singing. All for the purpose of gaining a deep, permanent, living awareness of one's faith and the response that comes from such awareness.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in a congregation. Stephen Ministry equips and empowers lay caregivers - called Stephen Ministers - to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
The program involves 50 hours of preparatory training, which is given in three-hour sessions. After the initial training, active Stephen ministers participate in supervisory groups and continuing education. The training is held regularly at our Epiphany campus.
More information can be found at www.stephenministries.org.
Contact Kim Dent at our Epiphany campus to find out dates for the next training sequence and an application.