On this page: * Welcome to All Saints * What to Expect * Worship * What We Believe * West Toledo Parish * ELCA

Welcome to All Saints
Where we build bridges to God and to our community.
Are you looking for a place where you can worship with people you know and who know you?
Are you looking for a church marked by radical acceptance instead of judgment? Are you looking for church family as opposed to an anonymous mass of people worshiping in the dark? Are you looking for a small church atmosphere for your family but would still like to have the programming that a large church offers for yourself, your teenagers, children? Then we've got what you are looking for.
Here at All Saints while recognizing we are all sinners, we really embrace the idea that we are all loved children of God. We are truly all saints.
We love and embrace our identity as a small church but through our relationship with the West Toledo Parish, we are able to offer the benefits of a larger church as well, your teens will not do a one-on-one catechism but will be included in a larger group for discussion and fellowship. The youth group will have the critical mass needed to have fun but still be an intimate group that gets to know each other. Various Bible Studies, formation programs and activities are offered where you can get to know people in a way that meets with your needs and busy schedule.
Take a look at the website and then come see for yourself. Learn about our style of worship. We invite you to become part of our family of faith.
Our worship service begins at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings.
Enjoy our easy-going, come-as-you-are worship service; dress is casual. The music comprises familiar favorites (to young and old alike), the Biblically-based message is relevant and the atmosphere is friendly. If you would like to get a taste, click here to listen to one of our sermons or click here to watch a video of our live-streaming worship service.
Before the service, greeters at the doors will welcome you and offer you a bulletin with church announcements and event information.
Can I take communion?
Any member of any Christian faith tradition who has been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is welcome to commune at All Saints. If that is not the case for you, or if you have not received communion instruction, we invite you to come forward during communion for a blessing.
What We Believe
When Martin Luther sparked the Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the 16th century, he summed up what we believe by quoting St. Paul in Ephesians - "We are saved by God's grace through our faith in Jesus Christ." Luther wrote, "Faith is God's work in us. It changes us and makes us to be born anew of God. This faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing. It is impossible for it not to be doing good works incessantly." He also taught that we are each part of the priesthood of all believers called to minister to all people and all of God’s creation.
All Saints Lutheran Church is an authentic, faithful community of people. We are an equipping church where people learn to recognize the gifts they’ve been given by God, develop those gifts and use those gifts in their families, in our community of faith, in the communities in which each of us live and in our participation in the world.
What to expect
All Saints worship services are at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings. You can attend in person, live stream, or view services online whenever convenient.
Our style of worship is more relaxed than many places and so is how we dress. Feel free to wear whatever you want. Whether you wear jeans or something a little dressier, you’ll see it all here. People of all ages are welcome to participate in our service.
As a member of the ELCA, “We are a church that values and encourages diverse voices and lively dialogue in our faith and life.”
Welcome to our Pray-ground!
A Pray-Ground is a designated place in the front of the sanctuary where young children can experience worship through age-appropriate worship materials and tools that will help keep them engaged in what is happening — materials such as children’s Bibles and books, coloring/drawing materials, soft toys, Play-Doh and pipe cleaners and other manipulables items related to the scripture theme such as smooth stones, feathers, shells, etc.

The West Toledo Parish
What is the West Toledo Parish?
In 2019, All Saints was looking for a Pastor in the midst of a Pastor shortage. All Saints Lutheran Church and Epiphany Lutheran Church entered into an agreement wherein they would share resources and ministries that could enhance both churches. This agreement formed the West Toledo Parish. This agreement has allowed both churches to remain independent and provide more for our members and our community than we could before.
So what is shared by both parishes?
Pastoral Staff
The pastoral staff serves both churches. The senior pastor is primarily responsible for vision, mission, and organization, while the associate pastor is primarily responsible for youth and family ministry. Preaching is shared equally.
Youth Ministry
Youth ministry is shared by both churches, providing a critical mass that enhances both catechism and youth activities.
Additional Benefits
In addition to these intentional ministries, we have a partnership of volunteers and participants in various activities, such as our Feed Your Neighbor food pantry, Bible Studies, Alpha, the Drive Through Nativity, and more. As this partnership continues to grow and mature, God only knows what is in store for our future together.
All Saints is a member congregation of the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
For more information on the ELCA, visit www.elca.org.