Annual Drive thru Living Nativity

Volunteers there is important information on this page for you!            


Drive Through Living Nativity Participant

Thank you for volunteering to be a part of our annual living nativity. The following information will help your evening run smoothly. We hope you have a wonderful time sharing this event with the community!

What to wear:

* We will supply white hats and mittens for the angels and beige hats and mittens for everyone else.

* You might want to wear a thin pair of gloves under the mittens depending on the weather.

* Dress in layers and not heavy, bulky coats as it is hard to get some of the costumes over large coats.


* There will be no parking available at the church because of the Nativity.  If you are being dropped off, you can be dropped off at the entrance.

* Park at the Heatherdowns Plaza Shopping Center (includes Toledo Tire & Auto Care) - 5329 Heatherdowns Blvd and walk over to the church.

* The church (5445 Heatherdowns Blvd) is located one and one half blocks west of Reynolds Rd on the south side of the street. The parking is between Reynolds Rd and the church.



If you can’t come for any reason PLEASE call or text Kathy Boehm 419-509-6798 so we can arrange a replacement for you.


We would love for you to come early and help!

5:00pm - Animal set up, set out shopping cart at entrance and garden wagon at the exit

5:15pm - Food and costume preparation

5:45pm - Light the luminaria

 Dressing in Costume:

Please arrive 30 minutes before your scene time to get dressed in your costume. Even with people there to help you dress, getting 40-50 people per shift ready takes the full half hour. At the end of your shifts, please hang up your costume for the next night.

 There are two shifts of participants and two sets of costumes each night.

 First Shift                                                                                           Second Shift

5:30pm                      Arrive and get into your costume                          6:00pm

6:00-6:30pm             Outside in your scene                                          6:30-7:00pm

6:30-7:00pm              Inside, warm up and eat                                    7:00-7:30pm

7:00-7:30pm              Outside in your same scene                               7:30-8:00pm

7:30pm                      Inside, warm up, return your costume                  8:00pm

After Shift:

Saturday       We need to move all of the luminaria to the side of the parking lot for church the next day.

 Sunday         We need to tear down all of the scenes and move everything inside.






Scene 1: Gabriel tells Mary the Good News

Scene 4: The Angels Tell Glad Tidings





Scene 2: Mary & Joseph on their way to Bethlehem

Scene 5: Jesus is Born


Wise People

Scene 3: No Room at the Inn

Scene 6: The Wisemen